
2023 Spring Seminar Announcement

scripture seminar
This Spring vacation, we're running a short afternoon seminar to discuss some basic meta-ideas about Scripture and some easy-to-use interpretive tools to help make you a more attentive reader of the Bible.

Seminar Info

Monday, 4 September 2023, 12-3pm.

This seminar is meant to be casual and aimed at a basic-intermediate level. It aims to provide a forum for UCT members to discuss some of the basics of what the Bible is, what it’s for, and how the “strategy” of Scripture works. It can be difficult in a church environment to ask burning questions about the nature of the Bible because of how foundational Scripture is to everything Christians do. As an interdenominational society, we are well placed to learn from diverse approaches across the Christian world, and to speak freely about how we’re processing difficult issues of Christian thinking and living.

To sign up, fill out this form by Sunday 3 September 2023: https://forms.office.com/r/Q4XH1FD9r9


  • What is the Bible?
  • What the Bible says about itself: The divinity & humanity of Scripture
  • Strategy of Scripture



Major interpretive issues:

  • Historical context
  • Literary context
  • Genre

A big-to-small reading tool